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  • What should I expect from a Sensory Magic N11 class?
    Sensory Magic N11 sessions are designed to give your child the opportunity to enjoy new and unusual sensory experiences at their own pace. Every week we have a variety of sensory experiences based on a theme. Every activity is planned with the Early Years Foundation Stage in mind. Free, unstructured play helps to develop self-confidence and self-esteem in children. It enables the child to develop a sense of control, as there is no right or wrong way to play or create. We encourage children and grown ups to get stuck in with what's on offer each week, so wear clothes you don't mind getting messy! After an hour of free and creative messy play we bring out bowls of soapy water and biodegradable wipes to clean up. We end our sessions with a short calm down song time, supported with Makaton signing. We completely understand that some children may not want to join in and that is absolutely fine. Our sessions are relaxed and everything is optional. You can opt in and out whenever it suits you and your child.
  • How do I book?
    Please head to the bookings page for more information.
  • Why would my child benefit from a Sensory Magic N11 class?
    Research suggests that sensory, tactile play contributes to children's development in a variety of ways. Young children rely on sensory input to learn about the world around them. By allowing children to engage in messy play, we help to support: - Language development (does that feel squishy? Cold? Slimy?) - Fine/gross motor skills and hand/eye coordination - Mathematical development (pouring, stacking, counting, problem solving) - Social development (self-confidence, co-operation, opinion) - Expression (imagination, independent and creative thinking, thoughts and feelings) - Understanding of the world and satisfying curiosity This list is by no means extensive!
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